The past year has been pretty weird, and when stores around were asked to close at the start of 2020, Foot Locker reached out to me to contribute artwork to the Nike sections of their stores for the 'Togetherness' project, a store-based gallery themed around the pandemic and social distancing.
I illustrated a group of pals, along with their attempts to stay connected, including images of them exercising, taking photos for social media, feeding pigeons in the park, live streaming DJ sets, talking on Zoom calls, playing sports with inanimate pals, and gaming online.
The illustrations were all based on a grid with moveable and reusable assets that I edited to design various sizes of banners and POS materials for stores.
The project was installed in 700+ stores around Europe, and was extended as the pandemic continued. Unfortunately, I haven't managed to visit stores to take photos for obvious reasons, so instead included mockups which I think suits the theme, since the entire project was done remotely like a lot of work these days!